Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sunday Thoughts...

Today we spoke in church. We were assigned the topics of enduring to the end and eternal marriage/family. The Bishop also asked me to tell a little about our family as well. It was a great experience preparing to speak. I chose to talk about enduring and shared some of the trials we've been through in the past year and how it has increased our faith. As I was writing my talk I realized just how much we've been through .... and also how much we have been blessed. I realized how often the Lord showed us His tender mercies. Even though things were really hard, everything turned out for the best. Although it was the hardest part of our lives as a family and for me physically dealing with health issues, it was a period of great growth for me in particular. I really learned to trust in God. He loves us so much, He answers our prayers and He really does know what is best for us. I have learned to let go and give him control... which was really hard for me. I just needed to record my feelings of gratitude for the our Heavenly Father and the Savior Jesus Christ! I am so blessed to have a knowledge of the gospel and of our Heavenly Father's plan for us! Even though life can be really, really hard the joy that we receive from our families and living the gospel make it all worth it!


Jess said...

What an amazing blessing to have the Gospel in our lives!! You always make me want to do better and I want to thank you for that :) Your kiddos are beautiful and I LOVE that you joined them on the slip n slide! Have a great week!

Tierra said...

Your such a great example. I will never forget all that you went through in Washington and yet all of the faith that you had.

Rebecca said...

I think that it is so amazing how the gospel can bring so much joy even in the most difficult and trying times. During my life I have experienced many hard times and trials and afterward I am so grateful for them. I know that I am stronger because of them. I know that my relationship with my Heavenly Father has been strengthened from those trying times.
You are such a good example to me of putting your trust in the Lord.