Saturday, July 18, 2009

Air Conditioning

There aren't any pictures for this post because I am not at home. We have been staying with our good friends the Ballards since Tuesday. Our A/C broke and they can't fix it until MONDAY! It seems so strange to me that they would have to ship common air conditioner parts in from out of state b/c they don't have them here, one of the hottest places in the US. Of course it has been about 110 everyday. We are so grateful to Tif and Charlie for being so hospitable.
Tuesday was a crazy day for us. Last Monday we found out that the bank accepted our offer to buy our house we've been living in for the last year for a smoking hot deal. We were so excited and it's been in the works since APRIL. We started the escrow process and they were doing the title work. On Tuesday the owner called and said there was a problem... that due to some failed businesses he has had some serious finacial problems (like so many others right now) and he knew there was a lien on his personal home but when they were trying to clear the title they found it has a lien on the one we have been living in (which is technically a business property for him) which won't be able to be removed. Thus, NO DEAL!!! We (especially me) where heartbroken. The house is going to be foreclosed on and there is still a chance we can get it but we will have to move out in probably 90 days and stay out until they figure it out and so now we are on the hunt for another home. Thank goodness there are lots of options right now. Maybe this is a blessing and we will find something better. So after I got off the phone with him I noticed it felt really hot in the house and and that Julia was sweating. I checked the thermometer and it was 84 in the house and it kept rising. Of course at this point I knew that the owner was foreclosing on the home and most likely couldn't fix it, which I confirmed by calling him. Yes, I did lose it momentarily. We have decided to fix it though since we won't have to pay rent for a few months and without A/C here you can't live in a house! It's about 115 upstairs in our house right now!!! It really makes me realize how stinkin' bad the economy is right now. So many good, honest, hardworking people are struggling. I feel SO SO SO incredibly blessed that Christian has such a good, stable job!

Monday, July 13, 2009

The last few weeks...

It's been awhile since I have posted. Life gets so busy sometimes it is hard to keep up with everything that I need to. I went through all my pictures and picked out only my very favorites... well 50 pictures later I decided that I really shouldn't do a blog post of 50 pictures. So I have just picked a few and will add a little more commentary than usual.

Julia experiencing an ice cream cone for the first time. She LOVES them. It's so cute. Another child with a sweet tooth. We'll blame that one on Christian!

Christian's brother Brent and his wife Kimberly and there three beautiful girls, Chance, Reese and Delainey visited with us overnight on their way from TX to CA. It was a lot of fun to see them and get to hang out a bit. The girls had so much fun. Delainey is 6 months older than Julia but they are about the same size. It was fun to see them play together. Eliana and Reese are about 4 months apart (Reese is older) and they also had fun . Chance took time to play with and read to Eliana and she really loved it. She keeps talking about her cousin Chance.
Beautiful blue-eyed cousins

Eliana and Reese had almost matching pj's.

Eliana and Dean did Kindergym together. Eliana loved it and has some natural talent. She is definitely built like a gymnast and has the energy for it.

Eliana has been in swimming lessons for 4 weeks so far and has two more. They meet 4 times a week and she loves it. She is such a fish. She can swim now with her head above water. (She use to only swim under water)

Christian had his 30th Birthday! We had a fun day. I made him a bundt breakfast cake and then made him an argentine dinner. We love Christian so much! He is such an amazing husband and father!

I just can't help myself. The other day I was playing with Julia and had to get out my camera. I got a bunch of great shots, here is just one of my favorites. She is growing so fast. She is into everything these days and loves to climb. If I don't have my eyes on her every second she is likely to be climbing up something or doing something dangerous! The following picture shows one of her favorite places to be!

Eliana has had lots of fun play dates with friends. Here she an Bethie were doing a fashion show and wanted me to take pictures. I told them to do something cute and this is what Eliana does... interesting.

Having a messy playdate with Madeline. (Thanks for the inspiration Gina!)

Playing in the water at the Phoenix Zoo. And yes, Eliana is having the water spray straight onto her bum.
Our garden is growing! Here are some squash we ate for dinner last night! Yum Yum!
Gotta go get Jewels... will have to add more later :)!