Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Numbers

Julia had her one year doctor's visit on Thursday. She is now 23 lbs. 6 oz , the 82nd percent, and 31.42 inches tall, more than the 97th percent. She is quite a bit taller and heavier than Eliana was at a year. I think she's gonna be tall. She has 8 teeth with a couple more on the way. She loves to say Daddy and Uh Oh and also says Ama for mama and can say baby and book. She is walking a lot now... about 10-20 or more steps at a time but crawling just gets her faster so she still crawls a lot. This is Eliana and Julia playing on Julia's Birthday.

1 comment:

Jennefer said...

so, so cute! Your girls are just darling! We wish we were closer so we could have playdates with you! Hope all is well!