Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Christmas Day... (Very, Very Late!)

Christmas this year was lots of fun. Eliana was SO, SO, SO excited! Julia was indifferent. We had eggs and homemade cinnanmon rolls, opened presents and then packed up to drive to California. We left around noon and made it to Grandpa and Bedste's house by dinner! Both girls were great and we only had to stop for 10 mins! Eliana played with her Mariposa Barbie and book that Santa brought her for a LONG time. We could have only got her that one gift and I think she would have been happy!

Eliana and Mariposa
After dinner the grandkids and their parents got to open presents. Eliana and Julia were spoiled once again by their Grandpa and Bedste! Thanks for all the awesome gifts. Christian and I were spoiled too. I got some much needed kitchen gifts! Thanks!

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