Friday, February 22, 2008

She's Almost Here!

Hopefully this image isn't too much for any of you, it was taken yesterday, just about 38 weeks pregnant... today I am officially 38 weeks. Although my due date is March 7, exactly 2 weeks from today, I think this little girl wants to come early. I am already dilated to between a 2 and 3 and 80% effaced. I am hoping that she will come in about a week... next Wednesday would be convienent. We'll see, she'll come when she wants to I guess. Thank goodness we are all pretty much healthy in our house now... just some lingering congestion going on. Hopefully when she comes we will all be 100%. Some of our friends have already guessed her birthday and weight, feel free to make your guess and we'll see who's the most psychic!


LaCee said...

You are the cutest pregnant lady ever! I hope I look as good as you next time I'm pregnant! And I can't wait till you have your baby. Im so excited!

The Giddings said...

my birthday prediction, Feb. 27. I'm so excited for you guys!!! Can't wait for pictures!

Becca said...

My guess is a leap year baby. You look so great--best of luck with the delivery!