Sunday, April 19, 2009

Happy Saturday

This has been a fun week. Christian took the day off on Tuesday and we went to the Phoenix Art Museum. Then yesterday we had fun relaxing family day and the best part of it was Christian watched the girls so I could take a good nap! In the afternoon we played croquet which was lots of fun! Then Christian washed the cars and Eliana washed her tricycle. We ended the day by watching Phantom of the Opera. Believe it or not, neither Christian nor I had seen it before.

Jewelsie Bug

Julia LOVES to play outside. There have been several times that she and Eliana have been playing outside (in our fenced backyard) while I watch them out the window and the sprinklers have come on and Julia LOVES to play in them. It happened again on Friday and I caught it on my camera.

Julia loves to make this face where she scrunches up her nose. Sometimes it looks as if she's gonna cry, then she laughs.

Easter and Our Garden

For Easter we went to church and then went to the Ballards for dinner. Tiffany taught a great lesson on the Savior and the real meaning of Easter. On Monday, we had our friends the Oliver's over for dinner and an Easter egg hunt. It was lots of fun. Their little girl and Julia are about the same age.

We added a few things to our garden. Some starts of cucumber, tomatoe and peppers and we planted carrot and watermelon seeds too.

April- catching up!

We took a very quick one day trip to Hollbrook to meet our new nephew/cousin. (see previous post) The girls we fabulous in the car. They are generally very good travelers. Julia was very interested in baby Ethan. Being around him really showed how much Julia is not a baby anymore :(.
The day before Easter, we went to a egg hunt that the city put on. Eliana had lots of fun and got to see lots of friends there. Julia just wandered a bit with no desire to collect eggs.

Eliana and Emily, one of her many BF's. Eliana and Emily usually play together about once a week or more sometimes. They are very well matched friends. They are both very curious and a bit mischievous which can at times, lead to a bit of trouble.

Eliana and Dean see each other on an almost daily basis. The other day he was over and I looked at them sitting on the couch and Eliana had snuggled up to him. I grabbed my camera and took and picture and then Dean noticed what Eliana was doing and he wasn't very pleased.
Lady bug headbands they made in preschool. You can tell that Dean really wanted his picture taken!

Julia and Audrey had their own little playdate. Cute girls!

March In Review

Besides sickness we did do some fun things in March. The girls and I went up to Snowflake for a quick 2 day trip. Tiffany was up there for the week to visit family and we joined them. We got to ride their horses and I was in heaven. I forgot how much I absolutely LOVE riding! Eliana got to ride also and enjoyed it. I can't wait for the next trip up!

We also worked on our yard a lot. We got rid of our ugly ocitillos and planted lots of flowers. We also started a GARDEN!! It's been so fun for Eliana (and me) to see our plants growing. Christian built us a really cool raised garden bed.

Our starts.....
and they are growing!

We planted them in our garden.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

We are Alive!

It's been awhile since I've posted. We are alive and well and in fact are all healthy and hope to stay that way for a long time! March has come and gone and April is flying by as well. We are coming up on our one year mark of being here in AZ. I can't believe it! That also means it's gonna be hot, I mean REALLY hot soon! Not looking forward to it but I've heard the second summer isn't as bad as the first. Below are a couple pics of the girls. I have a bunch more cute ones of Jewels but Eliana was being a stinker so I only got a few of her. We did a fun easter shoot with a few friends. I posted some others of Julia on my photo blog if you're interested. Hopefully I will soon catch up on some our fun activities that I've missed. Oh and yes I still plan on making our blog private (eventually), just haven't gotten to it yet..........

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Note: I meant to post this on my photography blog, but this works too. So if you look at both blogs, ignore the repitition!
The newest member of our family has arrived! Christian's youngest sister, Katie, had her little boy last week and we got to go see him on Saturday. He is so little and so adorable. I got to take his pictures, here are just a few of my favorites. I absolutely LOVE these first two!
Thank you Katie and Jason for allowing me to capture the newness and purity of your little boy! You are going to be amazing parents!