Yes that's right, that spells sick and that's what we have been ALL WINTER LONG!! What the HECK! We live in a WARM climate for goodness sakes! Eliana has had 2 bouts of pneumonia, and 2 ear infections... the last one that last for a MONTH... it didn't go away until she had 2 sets of antibiotics! Just found out yesterday that Julia has a double ear infection... her 3rd time in the last few months, which means they may need to put in tubes if this doesn't clear up well or she gets another one. On Friday Eliana got a rash on her legs. We called the Dr. and he said to use benydrl and go to the ER if it got bad enough to effect her breathing (which I thought was way worse than it would ever be). So by Sat. morning it was looking really good but by the afternoon, it was getting worse again and spreading. By the early evening her ankle was swelling which at first we didn't connect to the rash. We gave her benadryl and put her to bed and when I went to check on her at 10:30 her lip was swollen. We took her to the ER and by the time they saw her both ankles and feet and hands and lips were swollen! Fortunately it was NOT effecting her breathing. Our good friend and an angel in our time of need, Gina came over and hung out at our house so Julia could stay and sleep. I came home around 1 so Gina could go home and Christian stayed with Eliana at the ER. They got home at 3 something. They said it is an allergic reaction to something, a great MYSTERY and gave her prednislone and said to continue antihistamines! I took Eliana to her pediatrician hoping for more answers with no luck. She is now on Allegra only. The rash is looking better but has moments where it flares up. Here are a few pics of her looking a bit beat up!