Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I can't believe the election is next week. I know how hard it is to get to a polling place with little ones! I think this year it is so important to make every effort we can to get out and vote! Not only is the presidential election going on, there are some important propositions on marriage here in AZ and in CA and I hope we can all get out and voice our opinion... don't let everyone else decide the direction our country goes in. I'll get off my soapbox now.


LaCee said...

Last night I had a dream that you had 6 kids. All girls! Plus julie and Eliana were still the same ages. You had some newborn twins. And a couple older girls. I don't know what it meant but it was crazy!

LaCee said...

P.S. I meant to type Julia. I do Know what her name is:)