Sunday, October 26, 2008


On Saturdays Christian likes to play golf when he can. I called a babysitter last minute yesterday and I went with him to play 9 holes. I haven't really played since we had Eliana but I enjoy being out on the course even though I really stink. It was lots of fun and nice to see lots of green here in the desert.

Christian didn't play his best game of Golf (I was probably a distraction), but this particular chip was an amazing shot, it went right into the hole! I was very impressed! I guess I should've taken more pictures.

Christian is growing a beard for work, some kind of team building thing. I am definitely not a fan of facial hair, but he MUST do it (atleast that's what he says ;))! Oh well, at least it's temporary.


Jess said...

I am not a fan of facial hair either, but Dallas grows it out every winter. Good thing we love them no matter what :)

Jason and Katie said...

tedWooh that's weird to see Christian with a beard... does it have to be a beard or can he make it into a goatie or something? Bet you can't wait for that team building thing to be over with haha! Jason would be jealous though, he isn't allowed to grow one.