Sunday, October 12, 2008


I am using my blog as way to keep a record of Julia's development... which I am/will transfer to her baby book. So if you aren't interested in this post, no worries, it's for me mostly. Julia starting pulling up to standing the day she turned 7 months! She loves to stand...
Eliana loved baby einstien videos when she was Julia's age, but I really haven't showed any to Julia.... she is usually just watching her older sister play and loves that. But the other day I put one in the laptop up on the crate... to keep it away from her. She wasn't really interested in watching it... just pushing the keys on the keyboard. I think this picture is funny though... she looks like she knows what she is doing on the computer.
Julia has decided to climb up on EVERYTHING... the chairs, the endtables, my leg, the cupboard etc. etc. so I decided I need to get her something more interesting and safer to keep downstairs for her to pull herself up on. When Eliana was a babe we had a leap frog table as seen in the picture above, but we just borrowed it from Jenn and don't have it anymore. So I looked on Craigslist the other day and found a few for $25 up in the valley, they are on sale at Target right now for like $36 so that's not the best deal, plus I'd have to drive to get them. But then I found one in Casa for $10!!!!! So I got it! YAY! Another great Craigslist deal! She loves it already!

1 comment:

Jess said...

I can't believe how quickly she is growing! What a CUTIE :0