Tuesday, July 22, 2008


It's been awhile since I have posted. Julia is teething and hasn't been able to sleep well day or night! Last night was the first night in 2 wks that she has slept 4 hours straight! It has mostly been 2-3 hours! She was sleeping 6 hours, then 3 more! I guess I was spoiled. She's been napping well today so I am hoping that means good things for tonight. Here's a picture of her in her new exersaucer. I was really excited that I found this on craigslist and paid $30 for it. New they cost $100. She LOVES it and so do I!

Just had to post a picture of how long Eliana's hair is getting! When it's wet, it's a LOT longer!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Nice exersaucer! I love finding good deals! My sister made me paranoid about identity theft on the internet and so I changed my website address so that it doesn't include our last name. Now it is www.sweet-things-in-life.blogspot.com. I miss you! Life has been crazy with birthdays and family vacations. I'll call you tomorrow!