Friday, May 30, 2008

Back Online in Arizona

This is going to be a fairly random posting.... so be prepared. We got to our new house in Arizona on Sat. May 17th and have been working on settling in ever since. Christian had to fly back to Utah to work for one week, from the 19-23rd. My very best friend, Jenn came from California to stay with the girls and I which was such a blessing. More to come on that visit in a future posting. We love our new house... here are a few pics.
The backyard is one of our FAVORITE parts of the house! Eliana is having SO much fun playing outside. In fact the first day we got here, the sprinklers were on in the backyard and before I knew it Eliana was completely naked in the backyard running in the sprinklers. Here are a few pics of her doing the same thing but clothed a bit.
There are 2 nice parks within a few mins. walk. One has sand and Eliana is in LOVE with playing in the sand... we are prob. going to get a sandbox for the backyard... although I might curse it if we end up with gritty floors!

Julia was 3 months on the 24th of May and on the 28th started rolling from her front to her back!! I took some "action" photos...

I absolutely LOVE the kitchen! It's beautiful and has lots of room and even has a pantry! Yeah!


laura said...

it's good to hear you got there safe and are getting settled. your girls (and your house) are super cute! keep us posted!

Melanie said...

Congratulations on your new home, it's beautiful! Enjoy settling in and making new memories!

Mark and Shannon Family said...

Glad to see your back online. I need to call you soon and hear all about your move. Your house looks beautiful and yes, a backyard is my only salvation some days! Your girls are absolutely beautiful- we will have to add Arizona to our travel plans one of these days.

Er Bear said...

Hey guys! I just found your blog from ben and sheri's! Your girls are beautiful! I can't believe how big Eliana is!! Hope you are doing well:)

Summer said...

What a beautiful house! I love the K=kitchen. Many a good foods will be made there from you. You will regret a the sand but not watching her dig and have fun. Choices..

Rebecca said...

I love your new house....It looks so spacious. Eliana looks like she is thoroughly entertained. Those pictures of her are exactly what childhood should look like. Not a care in the world as long as she is having fun! We miss you!