Friday, April 4, 2008

Bye-Bye Pacifier

So Eliana has LOVED her pacifier since day 1! She still used it for sleeping up until 3 days ago. We litterally lost them... she had 3 kicking around. We couldn't find them at bedtime so after a half hour of her, Christian and I searching, and some crying... she went to bed without it. Well, we couldn't find it the next day (Wed) either, so again she went to bed without it but with some tears still. After she went to bed I began to search again. I found 2 of the 3 and put them away... to be lost FOREVER. So yesterday again, no pacifer at bedtime, still some tears, but less. I am determined to find that last pacifier before she does! I've known I wanted to get rid of it soon, or a long time ago, but haven't had the heart considering all the transitions she's had to go through with our crazy lives. I am grateful we lost them on Tuesday! I never knew how hard it could be to get rid of a pacifier!
Eliana at a few months old with the beloved pacifier!
Eliana a little before 2 years.


Carson said...

I know how hard that can be, Reagan loved her bink to!

Becca said...

I love the picture of Eliana asleep on her book--Lily has to take a book to bed with her every night. Good job on getting rid of the pacifier--now, what do I do about Lily sucking on her thumb? :)

laura said...

it's always a sad day for everyone when the binky has to go away!

Jess said...

It's always so hard to give those up :) I hope all is well!!!

Fabulous Home said...

She looks so cute!! I am NOT looking forward to taking the binkie away from Kalli, I know it's going to be a nightmare for all involved! I bet it's a relief that it's over!