Sunday, September 13, 2009

This and That

Thanks to my super industrious, incredibly capable homemaker friend Tiffany, I participated in making peach jam and grape juice this week. She also bottled peaches, which I had a quick lesson in. Of course Christian and the girls are happy with the results and it was a lot of fun. Tiff and I love to spend time together but don't want to waste time, so we always try to be productive together. Thanks Tiff, you should get a homemaker of the year award.

As seen in an earlier post, we had preschool at our house this week. It was lots of fun and I am so glad that I have a break for a few weeks. We have a great group of kids and that makes it so much fun.

We were talking about body parts and the letter A so we made (A)pple cider... and enjoyed the great aroma that filled the house (noses). The kids did so well stirring. I really thought they'd end up spilling a lot and they didn't spill any.

Making funny faces...

We picked up stuff with our toes. It was very interesting that the girls did pretty well with it and the boys stuggled.... I mean really struggled. Must be a developmental thing.
As for our house hunt. It's a very elusive hunt. We hope to find something soon. Eliana talks about our realtor and even added Robbie into our family picture she drew. That's when you know you are spending a lot of time with someone. At least he's a great guy and we really enjoy working with him.


Newman Family said...

You and Tiffany always amaze me!

Amanda said...

now all the other preschool days won't seem as cool! the toes thing is funny... even mariana can pick up stuff with her toes already. And I want to do productive stuff with friends too, i'm jealous. :)

Brooke Colvin said...

Good job on the jam and canning! That is something I want to learn as well.

I love the preschool pictures. What a cute idea to have them pick things up with their toes. It is nice to have a break now, isn't it? :)