Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Julia's Baby

Awhile ago I found this cute little doll that looks like Julia. She adores it (although it may not look like it) and calls it her baby. It's so cute when she cuddles and hugs her or eats her...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Yesterday morning, Eliana put these sunglasses and the following conversation began:
"Mommy, how do I look?" asked Eliana.
"You look super cute." I said
"No, Rockin' " She responded.
Where does she come up with these things?



I guess the picture is pretty self-explanatory. Julia has learned to drag the chair from the table, into the kitchen and get whatever she wants. Nice.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

This and That

Thanks to my super industrious, incredibly capable homemaker friend Tiffany, I participated in making peach jam and grape juice this week. She also bottled peaches, which I had a quick lesson in. Of course Christian and the girls are happy with the results and it was a lot of fun. Tiff and I love to spend time together but don't want to waste time, so we always try to be productive together. Thanks Tiff, you should get a homemaker of the year award.

As seen in an earlier post, we had preschool at our house this week. It was lots of fun and I am so glad that I have a break for a few weeks. We have a great group of kids and that makes it so much fun.

We were talking about body parts and the letter A so we made (A)pple cider... and enjoyed the great aroma that filled the house (noses). The kids did so well stirring. I really thought they'd end up spilling a lot and they didn't spill any.

Making funny faces...

We picked up stuff with our toes. It was very interesting that the girls did pretty well with it and the boys stuggled.... I mean really struggled. Must be a developmental thing.
As for our house hunt. It's a very elusive hunt. We hope to find something soon. Eliana talks about our realtor and even added Robbie into our family picture she drew. That's when you know you are spending a lot of time with someone. At least he's a great guy and we really enjoy working with him.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

We have watermelons!!!!

Since we got back from Maine it seems as if time is FLYING by! I finally feel adjusted to life... but it certainly has been hectic. I have sorta headed up preschool this year with Brooke. I am basically in charge of the older group, her the younger. We have 15 maybe 16 kids this year!! In two classes, thank goodness. I have been busy organzing and planning for that. Today was the first day and I am teaching this week. It was lots of fun and the kids were great!
Eliana and Melissa today during snack time...
The kids loved tracing their bodies and coloring them in.
Our watermelons grew and are DELICIOUS! THis one was kinda heavy...
On a side note, why is laundry neverending??
The girls are getting closer every day and it is so fun to watch them play together.
Julia... (me playing with some ps actions)
Julia loves to do everything herself.
Beautiful evening sky.