Sunday, March 9, 2008

Our Little Jewel

Here is a sneak peak at some of Julia's pictures. I took these today and she is now 2 weeks old!


laura said...

she's so dang CUTE!! such a skinny little thing!

Ashley and Paul Giddings said...

So cute addie! Love her bow- did you make it?

Becca said...

Those photos are beautiful! You're so talented, Addie. And Julia is a doll!

Country Mouse said...

She's so TEENIE TINY! :) I bet she'll be long and lean just like her Mama :)

Summer said...

She is so long! How are you feeling? Your pictures are wonderful.

Fabulous Home said...

I LOVE all these pictures of the girls!! They are so cute!! You are TOTALLY hired when we have a new baby (whenever that might be..) Your new little sweetie is so teeny. I love it!! Hope you are feeling well!