Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Bath Time

Julia loves the bath but hates the aftermath.... she doesn't like the feeling of being naked! In these pictures you can begin to see her own characteristics... she is looking less like Eliana. This is actually a picture of the mirror, Juila loves to stare at herself in the mirror during her bath!


Becca said...

Is her hair turning red??? She has already grown up so much! Why wouldn't she want to watch herself in the mirror--she's adorable!

laura said...

look how big she's getting already! she is super cute!

Ashley and Paul Giddings said...

She sure is getting her own look. Is her hair going red? We need to come visit you guys sometime soon before we move back to California.

The Whites said...

Her hair just looks reddish in this picture b/c of the lighting. Her hair is seeming a bit lighter but is brown.