August and September were busy months with the start of school, soccer, music etc. On top of that I was on a modified bed rest for a couple weeks in there. I found out that I was pregnant at the end of July and not too far into August they found that I had another subchorionic hemorrhage. Thankfully many women from the ward offered to help and Tiffany was a lifesaver, helping me and our family more than I could ever imagine. I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends.
In September Christian was also filmed by a film crew out of LA for a Pepsico commercial/ recruiting ad that is on their website. They spent 3 FULL days with him to create a two minute clip. Here is how they set up our family room to create a shot that occupied about 2 seconds of the video... it took the lighting crew over an hour to set it up!!
The crew out in front of our house, having Christian ride his bike in and out of the driveway over and over again.

In August and September Katie (Christian's sister) and her son Ethan stayed with us for awhile. Katie was busy doing lots of Saladmaster shows so we got to spend a lot of time with Ethan. The girls started to think of him as a brother almost. They loved to wrestle with him.