Sunday, November 16, 2008


Last Saturday Christian was saying he wished it would just be cold and rainy for a few days so it would actually feel more like fall. The next day it rained! It didn't last long and it wasn't much but it was nice anyway. Eliana was really excited to go out in it and had to put on her rain boots that she loves and I think are super cute but that Christian hates. Last Monday we took Eliana to an apt. in Tuscon and went to the Zoo. It was lots of fun and really nice b/c our Phoenix zoo pass works there and it's a nice small zoo where you can get close to the animals. It was perfect for Eliana. The apt. was with a pulmonologist and we found out that Eliana has asthma which explains her episodes of pneumonia and long lasting coughs when she gets sick. Thank goodness it is mostly just induced by viruses and exercise. She only has to use medicine when she's sick. Of course she got sick this week and it went straight to her chest but the inhalers have helped her not to get an infection! Yay!

Poor Julia wasn't feeling well when we were in Tuscon. She was okay with hanging out in the stroller for a bit though. It was a bit chilly on the mid 60's as you can see we had her bundled up. She was not feeling well for about a week... she had a constant fever for about 3 days and I thought she might have an ear infection and be teething b/c she was SO grumpy and sad. It turned out to be just teething and a virus that followed. Her two top teeth came in. So between her and Eliana being sick we haven't gotten much sleep lately. She is finally doing better though and we are so happy! She is generally such a happy girl that when she isn't, we know something is up.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


For Halloween Eliana dressed up as a mouse... I made the ears and tail and yes, I know that mice don't have fluffy tails, but I thought it would be cuter that way. Julia was a little bunny and I was a bunny, Eliana insisted that I dress up. Maybe next year I will do a little better with my costume. We went to the ward Trunk-or-Treat and then to a few houses in our neighborhood. After we got home that night Eliana said, "Mommy, candy's not good for our bodies right?" I told her she was right and she said "We need to tell all those people that they should give out fruits and vegetables for treats next time." But believe me, she has NO problem eating her candy... Trunk-or-Treating.... Eliana definitly prefers NOT to look at the camera these days!
Julia and Audrey... Audrey's costume was so cute, it said Little Stinker on the bum which is funny b/c that is what Amelia calls her a lot.
Before we went out in our neighborhood... gotta love those cheeks!
Eliana and McKenna running to the next house.

Preschool Halloween Party

On Thursday we had a little Halloween party for the last part of preschool. Eliana dressed up as a princess for this day. Of course she's not looking in any of the pictures.... oh well!

Halloween FHE

Last Monday my good friend and neighbor, Amelia, hosted a pumpkin carving FHE. It was a lot of fun! She is in the picture below with her daughter Audrey who is 23 days older than Julia. Here are the finsihed pumpkins all lit up and below in the light so you can see the uncarved, painted ones. Ours was the large one 5 in... Eliana picked the face to carve... she said that one looked most like a Jack-O-Lantern.

This is Amelia's sister-in-law Amy, also one of our neighbors holding both girls... I don't know how that ended up happening... but she was willing :)

This is our other neighbor, Kelli, she and her girls came too. She would hate this pic. probably b/c she is making a funny face, but I liked this one of Julia...sorry Kelli!

Downward Facing Dog Anyone?

So the other night Julia kept doing this crazy upside down thing as seen... if you've done yoga you may recognize it as downward facing dog... anyway, I have no idea what she was doing but she has done it several times since! I need to start doing yoga with her I guess!

Julia LOVES to play in the playroom with Eliana and pretend to be a big kid.