This is a picture of my good friend and former mission companion Summer (with her sweet baby girl Naomi) She is a
doula and was there for the birth of Julia. If you are wondering what a
doula is, here is a basic definition:
Labor/birth support doulas are trained and experienced labor support persons who attend to the emotional and physical comfort needs of laboring women to smooth the labor process. Many women have commented on my having Julia naturally. I couldn't have handled it or had the great experience I did without the help of Summer! She helped Christian know what to do to help me and she helped and supported me. I had
Eliana naturally also but not
necessarily by choice... my labor progressed too fast for me to be able to
receive any drug pain relief. I did it, but felt out of control and scared through the process. This time was a completely different experience... even though it was hard still, I felt calm and in control of myself. So to all you women who say you couldn't have a baby naturally I say you can! Get a
doula and you will have an experience like no other! I feel such a sense of accomplishment because I was able to "own" the experience in Summer's words. So Summer, THANK YOU! You know that I love you! You are amazing!