Monday, March 31, 2008

For LaCee

This boquet is for LaCee. She has been such a good friend to me. Her and her husband Chris and son Braden live right next to us. They are the best neighbors we've ever had!
They have been so helpful to us. LaCee even came and slept at our house from 3 am to 6 am when I was in labor. They have watched Eliana multiple times and their son Braden is Eliana's BFF.... or prince.... :)
LaCee, you are awesome!
You are in our prayers!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 30, 2008


Eliana is having spring fever and has been obsessed with having "picmics" on the patio.
On this particular day it was actually quite cold but she insisted on having her picmic anyway!

Christian and Julia after Julia's bath Saturday night.

The three girls ready for church... Julia had just woken up and wasn't extremly happy to be posing for a picture....

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Bath Time

Julia loves the bath but hates the aftermath.... she doesn't like the feeling of being naked! In these pictures you can begin to see her own characteristics... she is looking less like Eliana. This is actually a picture of the mirror, Juila loves to stare at herself in the mirror during her bath!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Morning...

Here are pictures of Eliana looking for her Easter Basket... as you can tell from her running, she was very excited! Not in the kitchen....
Here it is!!! She found it in the Laundry Room... silly Easter Bunny!

This Elmo bunny was actually in Julia's basket, but Eliana found it for her. Daddy's two girls!
Grandma Williams and Julia
Eliana and Julia

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Egg Hunt

The Haehls had a little Easter party on Saturday. We had an Easter egg hunt and dyed eggs. The kids had a lot of fun. My battery died on my camera so I only got pics outside... I am going to get some of LaCee's pics from coloring the eggs hopefully. Eliana loved running around finding the eggs. Thanks Melanie and Carl for having a fun party at your house!

Eliana had to open the eggs immediately to start eating the candy. She LOVES candy! (unfortunately!!)

Eliana with Braden... aka her Prince!
Braden didn't want his picture taken!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Grandma and Great Grandma

My mom has been here for almost 2 weeks to help out around the house and to meet her newest grandchild. She brought her mom, my grandma, up from St. George. Eliana has had a lot of fun playing with her. I still need to get some pics of Eliana and Great Grandma... My two girls with Grandma Williams. Great Grandma Johnson and Julia.

Chuck E' Cheeses

The day before Julia was born, we went to Chuck E' Cheeses with the Sinks. Eliana and Braden had a lot of fun playing. This is where my contractions began!
Braden must have really liked this one....
Daddy indulged Eliana in some cotton candy.... she LOVED it!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Flower Power

Julia showing off some serious flower power! I guess Eliana has made me appreciate girliness...(if that's how you spell that) or I have succomb to Utah's culture. Eliana never wore any big bows... but they are cute after all.... aren't they?

My Two Girls

This morning I was able to get a few shots of Eliana and Julia together. They are truly our little angels!

Eliana's Bunny

Eliana has really gotten the shaft as far as the blog goes! I decided to post a couple of pictures of her. She was sent this bunny as a present and LOVES it! She is so funny and cute and such a good girl! We are so blessed to have her in our home! She is a great big sister to Julia!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Our Little Jewel

Here is a sneak peak at some of Julia's pictures. I took these today and she is now 2 weeks old!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Man-Go Bannanas Smoothie

So as most of you know I don't tolerate dairy well and thus avoid it completely. When we make trips to places like Coldstone, I am a jealous onlooker. Well, recently I decided to try one of their non-dairy smoothies and now I am hooked! I am going to try to replicate it at home so I don't have to break the bank to satisfy my craving. The ingredients are sorbet, soymilk, mango puree and banannas... we'll see if I can make it as good at home. I will let you know!

Monday, March 3, 2008

One Week Old!

Julia is now a week old! I can't believe it! We've had a great and very tiring week! Here are a few pictures from the last few days at home.

Eliana is great entertainment!
Christian's parents came up for the weekend to meet Julia and help us out. Here is Julia with her Grandpa.

An Ode to Summer and Doulas!

This is a picture of my good friend and former mission companion Summer (with her sweet baby girl Naomi) She is a doula and was there for the birth of Julia. If you are wondering what a doula is, here is a basic definition: Labor/birth support doulas are trained and experienced labor support persons who attend to the emotional and physical comfort needs of laboring women to smooth the labor process. Many women have commented on my having Julia naturally. I couldn't have handled it or had the great experience I did without the help of Summer! She helped Christian know what to do to help me and she helped and supported me. I had Eliana naturally also but not necessarily by choice... my labor progressed too fast for me to be able to receive any drug pain relief. I did it, but felt out of control and scared through the process. This time was a completely different experience... even though it was hard still, I felt calm and in control of myself. So to all you women who say you couldn't have a baby naturally I say you can! Get a doula and you will have an experience like no other! I feel such a sense of accomplishment because I was able to "own" the experience in Summer's words. So Summer, THANK YOU! You know that I love you! You are amazing!